Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Chapter 7: Spiritual Set Back

Hold onto me, my Lord.

 Recently I’ve been feeling attacked by the enemies again. Well, like the title… a spiritual set back. So what’s the problem?

 I guess I really want someone.

 The spiritual fire started by some memory with Stefan. The dreamy feeling to feel like dating tastes so sweet to me that I confused what friendship, brotherhood and romantic love are. Somehow I ask myself. What causes me to want Stefan? Maybe I enjoy his kindness and clever personality? If this is the case, why couldn’t I find the same personality in a girl? I don’t know how to answer that. I’m on the journey to figure out.

 This is a trigger of the attack.

Another thing is a debate by Matthew Vines, a gay Christian who argues that it’s OK to be Christian and gay at the same time. The debate drives me a bit nut.

Is it true to be gay and Christian? I DON’T KNOW. I’m super confused.

 Let’s take a look of what he said… two of his arguments…
1.      In the book of Genesis, God commends to assign a suitable partner and it’s not necessary to be female.

Matthew Vines argues that God took out a rib from Adam and shaped woman, Eve, as his partner and suggests that God didn’t enforce the partnership for a man to necessary to a woman. Vines suggests that God didn’t intend to use his creation to warn or command us to have to marry opposite sex and he said it was a interpretation of general world view. He also suggests that in Genesis 2:18, “The LORD God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.’” Vines suggests that even the homosexuals are not meant to be alone. They deserve someone. (My comment on this point: deserve someone… does it make it okay to date the same sex though? Also, this point triggered my ache that I am not able to marry a woman in my life and seeing people to move on with their marriage. I almost cried when he brought the situation up)

2.      Cultural difference caused translation problems in the story of Lot

In the story of Lot, people suggest that God hates homosexuality because they are one of the reasons why God burnt down the city. In Genesis 19, the wicked people asked for the angels in Lot’s house so that they can do the “wicked thing” with the angels and the “wicked thing”…they meant sex.

 Matthew Vines suggests that in the ancient context in the Middle-East culture, having sex with people who are the same sex means an insult or offense. They wanted to have sex with the angels not because they find the angels handsome or emotionally turned on to have sex with them. It’s rather that people want to insult them. Vines suggests that western bible experts and authority might make a mistake in translation as well as commentary/interpretation.

It was a very long debate video on Youtube. I suggest you to watch it, no matter you are struggling homosexuality like me or not. It’s a very intellectual to watch and think about. However, it’s also the reason to make me confused.

So, is it okay to find a guy and date him?

Right now, while I am not sure about anything, I would say I’d better say single. That can never go wrong, right?

Keep on waiting….

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